Hearing the Unheard: The Importance of Listening in All Contexts
People spend eighty percent of their day communicating with the people around them. Of that time, forty-five percent is spent listening to others, and yet, listening is the most neglected communication skill.
Whether you're looking to improve relationships or solve problems in the workplace, mastering the art of active listening is essential. Working on your listening skills has many benefits.
Unfortunately, most people are unaware of the true importance of listening. If you're one of those people, worry not. We'll tell you everything you need to know.
If you're ready to become an expert in active listening, all you need to do is read on.
The Importance of Listening
The importance of listening and the benefits of improving your listening skills are one and the same.
Learning how to listen is the most crucial part of succeeding in a job. Not only does it allow you to successfully complete tasks, but it also allows you to resolve conflicts through negotiation.
Good listening skills can improve memory recall. This means you make less mistakes in your work, which leads to more productivity.
Active listening can also help you to improve relationships in the workplace. This is because being listened to helps employees build trust and respect for the person listening to them.
Listening to a person will help you to keep in mind what they want and effectively communicate what you want, meaning a better deal for all involved.
How to Use Active Listening
Unlike some skills, listening skills do not come naturally to people. However, you can develop a greater ability to listen by practicing active listening.
This is where you make a conscious effort to listen to not only what the person you're communicating with is saying, but the complete message that they're trying to convey.
Normally, when someone's speaking to you, your brain is already working to form responses and arguments. With active listening, you have to train yourself not to do this.
Paying attention is a key step in active listening. Make sure you're looking at the speaker and focusing on what they're saying. Try repeating what they say mentally as they say it to avoid any distracting thoughts. In addition, try and pay attention to their body language.
Providing Proof of Listening
The next step is showing that you're listening. You can do this by making sure to make facial expressions, nodding, or making small verbal comments (such as "yeah?") to encourage them to keep speaking.
With-Holding Judgement
Don't judge the speaker until you've heard the entire point they want to make. This will distract you from their meaning because you'll try to make an argument in your head.
Keep Things Clear
Another great tip is to ask clarifying questions or repeat what you thought was said back to them. This makes sure that there's no mix-up in communication.
Finally, you should respond openly, honestly, and respectfully.
Start Living Life Driven Today
Now that you know all about the importance of listening, you have one of the biggest skills you need to succeed in the workplace - and in life in general. However, you could be doing more.
If you're looking to improve your business and your life, you've come to the right place. Get started finding the assistance you need today!